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          Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is never easy. But having Body Esteem on my side has made a stressful situation much easier emotionally, physically, and medically. Cathy’s background in therapy has helped me to accept my diagnosis. She works with me on questions to ask my doctor, shares studies relevant to my cancer, explores treatment options, and offers nutritional guidance. Most importantly, she is a warm, caring, highly trained person who I fully trust and highly recommend.


I’m succeeding in maintaining my emotional health and keeping my compromised body in good shape because Cathy instills in me confidence and a positive attitude that other resources didn’t – or cannot – provide.


Cathy makes dealing with this cancer diagnosis and the resulting upheaval bearable because of her attitude, her good sense of humor, and making me feel that we are in this together.

- Don

         Cathy came along at a perfect time.  I was stuck – scared, tearful and emotionally paralyzed over the grim prognosis of my cancer. It didn’t take long to feel an easy connection with her.  What I appreciate the most about Cathy--she doesn’t push her own agenda, she listens, asks good questions, and mostly helps me see things in an “unstuck” way. Of course, my cancer hasn’t changed – but my attitude towards it is healthier, and I don’t feel as hopeless.  I’m glad I found her. 

- Karla

          Two years after being severely injured in a car accident, I was in a bad way – overweight and completely out of shape. I wondered if I would ever feel well again. Then, I heard about Body Esteem, and thought ‘I need to get some of that’ -- esteem. I'm not kidding, that was really what went through my mind. Body Esteem gave me exercises I could do that not only increased my flexibility but also lessened my pain. As for my mental health, not having to be in a gym with a bunch of hard (and younger) bodies made a huge difference. I don’t compare myself to anyone, and with Body Esteem’s help I focus on my goals, my wellness, myself.


Cathy offers a warm and friendly atmosphere where one can make that effort to exercise. No judgment, no one to compare yourself too - just support to meet ones goals in the hopes of bettering yourself. I've gotten all of that, and have appreciated Cathy’s support, when things are good, and not so good.

- Robin

          I am a 49 year-old mother of grown children, working full time. I had battled weight my entire life, losing and gaining the same 15-20 lbs over and over. When I started to train with Cathy 3 ½ years ago, my goal was to get to a comfortable weight without starving. Cathy really "put it together for me," which really helped me. I am thrilled by the results. I do what she talks about and it works. When you find an answer, you don't make a change. I would NEVER give this up. For me, it's not just about weight, but about having energy. No matter what I want to do, I now have the energy to do it! Working with Cathy has made a tremendous difference in my life.

- Kerry

          I am a 50 year old physician with a full time practice living with my husband and two children. A few years ago, I didn't like the way I was feeling physically or emotionally. I had tried lots of gyms, saw short tern success, but had trouble staying motivated and finding the time to exercise, given my demanding schedule. When I started working with Cathy 2 ½ years ago, my goals were to feel better physically and emotionally and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Cathy spent a lot of time talking to me about my daily life in order to understand my needs and devise a plan to fit into my individual lifestyle. You just don't get that kind of individualized attention elsewhere. She looked at ways to improve my life style. Once I started following my program, I lost many inches; People noticed the change and I began to look and feel better and have more energy. I've gotten somewhat complacent over the past few months, and am ready for a "tune up." I usually meet with Cathy 1-2 times per week. However, sometimes I have a problem following up during the rest of the week...but, whatever I'm doing now is more than I was doing before and I don't beat myself up for what I don't do. Since I began working with Cathy, I've increased my energy level and am nicer to my kids because I feel better. Several factors have contributed to my feeling good about myself: Cathy's personal involvement, her tailoring a program to meet my needs, and her ability to counsel and motivate me to exercise without being a "task master".

- Sandy

          I am a chiropractor, in my mid-forties with three children. I had been walking/running and biking for years, but had not done any strength training on a regular basis. I decided to work with Cathy 3 years ago because I needed accountability and wanted a more comprehensive training program. Currently I see Cathy about once every 3 weeks. I now work out with weights every 2-3 days, knowing that I will have to "perform" every 3 weeks during my session. I found it very easy to develop a great rapport with Cathy. She is very comprehensive in her approach, keeps the sessions interesting, and outlines something that works for you. Cathy works out with you, which is a great incentive to push... I figure that if she can do it I can do it! But she's also very understanding of injury and the limitations it may place on certain exercises. For example, I have an elbow injury resulting from my work as a chiropractor. When that flares up, Cathy is very amenable to modifying some of my exercises. She's cautious and careful not to add further injury. As I get older, my joints become more susceptible to injury. However, by working out, I have become stronger, the discomfort and pain in my joints has decreased, and I have become LESS susceptible to injury. As I have become more diligent in my own exercise program, I have become more diligent in recommended exercise to my patients, so that they my also reap the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.

- Greg

          I am a 41-year-old mother of two children and a Registered Dietitian. I started swimming regularly in my twenties, and continued for about 10 years until I had my first child. At that point I started doing some walking, but wasn't doing it very regularly… About 6 months ago, a good friend was interested in working with Cathy as a gift to herself…she asked me to join her, and it sounded like a great idea. I really just wanted to tone up. As a nutritionist, I already had good eating habits. However, I wanted to keep healthy, get stronger and increase my muscle tone and flexibility as I began to age. I also wanted to take preventative measures with my joints and muscles… I wanted to look like a "In-shape 41 year old" not like a "Flabby 41 year old" Initially I saw Cathy twice a week; now I usually come once a week. I usually use the "work out with a buddy" option, since it's fun as well as a good deal. I love Cathy! She is really in tune to where a woman like me is…how I want to do this for a variety of reasons. She understands that I don't always do as much as I "should," but she doesn't scold. Cathy encourages me, and I feel very supported. She also knows a lot about exercise, so that she can teach me how to do what I need to do. Whether I'm working out with Cathy by myself of with my friend, I feel great doing it!

- Juleanne

          I'm 27 years old, single and working as a Web Designer. In the past I didn't diet much nor exercise consistently. When I called Body Esteem my goals were to exercise regularly, lower my body fat, and increase my muscle tone. Over the past year and a half, I've lost 12 pounds and dropped a dress size. My body fat started at almost 32% and is now 25%. My goal is 24%, so I'm almost there! Cathy has been a major source of positivity in my life. She has taught me that exercise is about how you feel and not how you look in a bathing suit. She has helped me realize that being active, eating healthy foods, and having a positive outlook are the most important steps in looking and feeling your best. She is encouraging and realistic and has helped me set attainable goals - mentally and physically. Since starting with Cathy my body image has improved threefold! My eating habits have gotten drastically better since I am now aware of the value of what I eat every day. Working with Cathy has really become very important to me.

- Jane

     One sees clearly only with the Heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.

- Antoine De Saint Exupery

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