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Earthing and Cancer: How This Practice Can Help You

Cathy Nobil-Dutton

Here at Body Esteem, I believe in the importance of treating your mind, body, and soul. All three should be treated with equal significance when it comes to healing from a medical diagnosis such as cancer. That’s why today I’m sharing about something that may be considered “out there” to some, but is quite beneficial for your health overall: the practice of earthing. Earthing and cancer is something that not everyone is aware of, so I’m glad you’ve found this post! 

earthing and cancer - field of wildflowers with mountains in the background

Earthing and Cancer: But First, What is Earthing?

Earthing, sometimes also referred to as “grounding” is the practice of connecting with the earth’s natural electrical current by standing, sitting, or lying on the ground outside. Though the two phrases are often used interchangeably, grounding more accurately refers to practices such as meditation and breathwork, whereas earthing is a literal term for the therapeutic practice described above.

Proponents of earthing believe that our society’s lifestyle in the modern age has disconnected us from the earth’s natural electrical current, leading to a more positive charge of electrons in our bodies. It is believed that this can create chronic inflammation in our bodies, which increases our risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. By connecting with the earth physically, our bodies can pick up on the natural negative charge of the earth, which then begins to reduce our risk of inflammation and has general overall health benefits.    

Earth Grounding Techniques

Some techniques for earthing include:

  • Walking barefoot on the grass

  • Lying in the grass or sand 

  • Spending time in nature

  • Submersing in water 

  • Utilizing special mats or sheets to mimic the earth’s natural charge 

Earthing is a complementary therapy to traditional medicine, and it helps improve overall well-being and provides general health benefits. 

Is Earthing Legit?

While earthing is not a heavily researched therapy yet, some studies have indeed been performed that prove its benefits. Participants reported improvements in:

  • Chronic fatigue 

  • Chronic pain

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Improved sleep 

  • Cardiovascular disease 

The Body Esteem Take

I believe that it is extremely important to take a holistic approach to cancer care, so even though it is an under-researched therapy, I am a proponent of earthing! My personal experience has always been that time spent in nature is good for the mind, body, and soul, so I believe that the practice of earthing is no different. Whether there are scientifically proven health benefits or not, spending time reconnecting with the earth will most likely always make you feel good.  

Want to discuss some more holistic practices? I encourage you to reach out to me!  


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