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Cathy Nobil-Dutton
3 days ago3 min read
Why Therapy for Cancer Patients is Helpful
I'm starting a blog series sharing all of the different ways that therapy for cancer patients can be helpful throughout the entire journey
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Cathy Nobil-Dutton
Jan 143 min read
Living With and Managing Scan Anxiety
Scan anxiety is extremely common. It’s something that just about every cancer patient has, and it is a real struggle for people. As a...
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Cathy Nobil-Dutton
Nov 12, 20242 min read
How Are Cortisol Levels and Stress Related? And What is Cortisol, Anyway?
You know sometimes when it seems like everybody is talking about something all of a sudden? I’ve been noticing that lately with cortisol....
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Cathy Nobil-Dutton
Mar 12, 20243 min read
Dealing with Chemo Brain
What is Chemo Brain? Many people are familiar with the term chemo brain and what it is, but for those who have not heard of it, the...
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Cathy Nobil-Dutton
Nov 14, 20233 min read
Post-Traumatic Growth After Cancer
Today I am sharing some information about post-traumatic growth and how patients often experience it following a journey with cancer.
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Cathy Nobil-Dutton
Oct 17, 20232 min read
What is a Cancer Coach?
Cancer coaching is a valuable tool available to patients, however many people are unaware of what a cancer coach is! Today I am...
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